Pirates of the Caribbean at World's End Why Id the East India Compnay Not Shoot Back

Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End


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"At the End of the World, the Adventure Begins."
―Tagline [src]

Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End is the third installment in the Pirates of the Caribbean film series, released on May 25, 2007 as the sequel to Dead Man's Chest—itself the sequel to The Curse of the Black Pearl. The film stars Johnny Depp (Captain Jack Sparrow), Orlando Bloom (Will Turner), Keira Knightley (Elizabeth Swann), with Chow Yun-Fat (Sao Feng), and Geoffrey Rush, (Barbossa). It was directed by Gore Verbinski, produced by Jerry Bruckheimer, and written by Ted Elliott and Terry Rossio. At World's End would be followed in 2011 by On Stranger Tides.


  • 1 Synopsis
  • 2 Plot
    • 2.1 Hoist the Colours
    • 2.2 Singapore
    • 2.3 At World's End
    • 2.4 Davy Jones' Locker
    • 2.5 Up is Down
    • 2.6 Just Good Business
    • 2.7 Betrayal and Redemption
    • 2.8 The Brethren Court
    • 2.9 Parley
    • 2.10 Maelstrom battle
    • 2.11 Fate and the Fountain
    • 2.12 Epilogue
  • 3 Cast
    • 3.1 Singing Gallows pirates
    • 3.2 Pirates
    • 3.3 Uncredited
  • 4 Appearances
    • 4.1 Individuals
    • 4.2 Creatures
    • 4.3 Objects
    • 4.4 Locations
    • 4.5 Organizations and groups
    • 4.6 Ships
    • 4.7 Miscellanea
  • 5 Promotional
  • 6 Behind the scenes
    • 6.1 Title
    • 6.2 Music
    • 6.3 Releases
      • 6.3.1 Worldwide release
      • 6.3.2 DVD release
    • 6.4 Broadcasting Rights
  • 7 Trivia
  • 8 Notes and references
  • 9 External links
  • 10 See also

Synopsis [ ]

Just when he's needed most, Captain Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp), that witty and wily charmer of a pirate, is trapped on a sea of sand in Davy Jones' Locker. In an increasingly shaky alliance, Will Turner (Orlando Bloom), Elizabeth Swann (Keira Knightley), and Captain Barbossa (Geoffrey Rush) begin a desperate quest to find and rescue him. Captain Jack's the last of the nine Pirate Lords of the Brethren Court who must all come together united in one last stand to preserve the freedom-loving pirates' way of life. From exotic Singapore to World's End and beyond, from Shipwreck Island to a titanic battle, this adventure's filled with over-the-edge action, irreverent humor, and seafaring myth and magic.

Plot [ ]

Hoist the Colours [ ]

One of the character promotional posters for At World's End.

Mass executions of pirates and pirate sympathizers are underway at Fort Charles in Port Royal, at the behest of Lord Cutler Beckett (Tom Hollander), who begins his War Against Piracy as he gains control of the Dead Man's Chest. Among those waiting at the gallows is a young cabin boy (Brendyn Bell), who begins singing a pirate shanty, Hoist the Colours. The song is picked up by the entire assembly, and its final line ("Never shall we die") continues to resonate as the singers are hanged. The boy's piece of eight falls to the ground.

Singapore [ ]

Meanwhile in Singapore, Elizabeth Swann (Keira Knightley) is rowing through the streets in a peapod canoe, singing further verses of Hoist the Colours. She is confronted by Tai Huang (Reggie Lee), but is revealed to be in the company of Hector Barbossa (Geoffrey Rush). Led by Huang, Swann and Barbossa make their way to a bath house presided over by the feared Captain Sao Feng (Chow Yun-Fat). Meanwhile, the surviving members of the motley crew, including Joshamee Gibbs (Kevin McNally), Marty (Martin Klebba), Cotton (David Bailie), Pintel (Lee Arenberg) and Ragetti (Mackenzie Crook), are infiltrating the lower levels of the bath house. The newest member of the crew, mystic Tia Dalma (Naomie Harris), is disguised nearby as a common hawker.

Captain Sao Feng in Singapore.

After being forced to remove their weapons, Barbossa and Elizabeth meet Sao Feng inside the bath house. He questions their intentions to bargain for his navigational charts, revealing that a thief had attempted to steal them earlier in the day. The thief is being held in the bath house, and is none other than William Turner (Orlando Bloom). Sao Feng makes to kill him, tricking Elizabeth into giving away their connection to him by gasping in fright. Barbossa takes charge, reminding Feng that the "song has been sung", and all Pirate Lords—of which Feng is one—are bound to convene at Shipwreck Cove. Barbossa requires the charts to reach World's End, and from there descend into Davy Jones' Locker to rescue the Pirate Lord, Captain Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp). This angers Feng, who holds a grudge against Sparrow. The crew, hidden below the floorboards, do not help matters by throwing Barbossa and Elizabeth swords at the mention of the word "weapons". During the stand-off, Feng notices one of the bath house residents has a fake tattoo, though Barbossa claims the man is not his. At that moment, soldiers of the East India Trading Company burst in, led by Mercer (David Schofield).

A battle ensued in the bathhouse, which would later lead into the streets of Singapore. Throughout the battle, there have been casualties on both sides, including many EITC soldiers and both of Sao Feng's body guards Park and Lian. At one point, Mercer overhears a conversation between Sao Feng and Will. Turner promises Feng a chance to meet with Lord Beckett and spare himself from the EITC's attentions, and in exchange Will desires command of the Black Pearl. Feng gives Will the charts, and lends Barbossa both a ship, the Hai Peng, and a crew led by Tai Huang. They depart Singapore for World's End.

At World's End [ ]

"For certain, you have to be lost to find a place as can't be found. Elseways, everyone would know where it was."
―Hector Barbossa [src]

The Hai Peng approaching World's End.

Meanwhile, the Flying Dutchman is laying siege to a pirate fleet, utterly destroying its ships. In his office, Lord Beckett is musing on the significance of the piece of eight, wishing to know the location of the meeting place of the Brethren Court. Governor Weatherby Swann (Jonathan Pryce) is being forced to sign execution orders. Beckett summons Admiral James Norrington (Jack Davenport), and reunites him with an "old friend"; his sword, forged over a year before by Will Turner.

The crew of the Hai Peng sails across a frozen ocean, and Tia Dalma explains to Pintel and Ragetti that Jack has been taken to a place "not of death, but punishment". Will tries in vain to decipher the cryptic instructions on the charts, while Barbossa, Gibbs and Pintel fill in with information on the "green flash"; the signal of a soul returning to the world.

Lord Beckett surveys the wrecks of the pirate fleet with consternation, and muses that Governor Swann is no longer of use to him. He orders the Dead Man's Chest to be brought aboard the Flying Dutchman, berating Davy Jones (Bill Nighy) for not leaving any survivors alive to question. Beckett reminds him that Jones is under his control, citing the death of the Kraken, on Beckett's command. Jones is clearly not happy with the situation, but has no choice but to serve the East India Trading Company in its War Against Piracy

"Don't be so unkind. You may not survive to pass this way again, and these be the last friendly words you'll hear."
―Hector Barbossa to Elizabeth Swann [src]

Under a clear, starry sky, the Hai Peng sails closer to World's End. Elizabeth remains unable to speak to Will, saying only that everything will be fine once Jack is rescued. Tia Dalma reminds Will that for what he wants most, "there is a cost must be paid in the end". The crew faces bigger problems, however, when Barbossa leads them towards a massive waterfall—World's End. The crew attempts to slow the ship, which plunges over the edge and into darkness.

Davy Jones' Locker [ ]

"I have no sympathy for any of you feculent maggots and no more patience to pretend otherwise. Gentlemen! I wash my hands of this weirdness."
―Jack Sparrow to his hallucinations [src]

Jack Sparrow and William Turner in Davy Jones' Locker.

In the maddening dimension of Davy Jones' Locker, Jack Sparrow is suffering under hallucinations onboard the Black Pearl. He sees multiple versions of himself crewing the ship, but cannot command any of them. He decides to take leave of his visions, and jumps off the ship. He finds himself in a vast, seemingly endless white-sand desert, where he encounters thousands upon thousands of crabs. Under sheer numbers, the crabs lift the Black Pearl and begin rolling it across the dunes, with Jack in pursuit. His former crew have meanwhile made it to the shore of the beach, having survived the fall into the Locker at the cost of the Hai Peng. The crabs retreat to Tia Dalma, just as the Black Pearl crests a nearby dune, Captain Jack Sparrow standing high on its mainmast.

The Black Pearl rolls into the ocean, and Jack is reunited with his crew, whom he initially mistakes for further hallucinations—until Elizabeth, steps forward and tells him they are real and he recoils at seeing the woman who left him to die. He takes Barbossa's resurrection in stride, and soon learns of what's going on in the living realm and begins choosing his new crew members, including Tai Huang's men but neglecting Barbossa, Will, Elizabeth, Pintel and Ragetti, all of them having been enemies and trying to kill him in the past. During this exchange, he also reveals to Will that Elizabeth betrayed him. However, as Barbossa holds the navigational charts, and Jack finds his compass useless in the Locker, he has no choice but to accept them as well.

The lost souls of Davy Jones' Locker.

The crew sets sail across the boundless seas of the Locker, with Jack and Barbossa competing for captaincy of "their" ship. Will encounters Elizabeth below decks, and they have what is possibly their first real conversation together since Jack's death. Will realizes that Elizabeth is not in love with Jack, but instead feels guilty for abandoning him to the Kraken. Nevertheless, Will finds himself unable to trust Elizabeth, and they part, their problems unresolved. As night falls, Pintel and Ragetti spot bodies floating in the doldrums, which Tia Dalma identifies as the souls of men and women drowned at sea. She further explains that it was the duty of Davy Jones, once a man, to care for these souls and usher them into the afterlife. In return, he would be able to reunite, every ten years, with "she who love him, truly". Following the floating bodies come boats occupied by a single soul. Elizabeth spots her father, and believes they are back in the land of the living, until Weatherby informs her that he thinks he is dead. He explains that he had learned about the Dead Man's Chest—that if one were to stab the heart within, their heart was bound to take its place—considering it a "silly thing to die for", though both Jack and Will find the news very interesting. Elizabeth attempts to bring her father aboard, but his boat sails on, Weatherby promising to give Elizabeth's love to her mother. Tia Dalma states that Weatherby is now at peace.

Up is Down [ ]

"Up is down. Well that's just maddeningly unhelpful. Why are these things never clear?"
―Jack Sparrow [src]

The Kraken's final resting place.

With the water and the rum gone, the situation aboard the Black Pearl is becoming dire. Jack continues to experience hallucinations, during which he begins to form a plan to kill Davy Jones and captain the Flying Dutchman himself, thus ensuring immortality. He receives inspiration, and is able to decipher the charts ("Up is Down"). He lures the crew into rocking the ship, tipping it upside down in the water just as the sun sets in the Locker. The Black Pearl is transported back into the land of the living at sunrise, where the crew immediately pull out their guns in a tense stand-off. Barbossa informs Jack that the Brethren Court is gathering, though Sparrow is adamant he will not be attending. He assures Barbossa he will not be returning to the Locker, and attempts to shoot him… finding that his pistol has become water logged and will not fire. The rest of the crew have suffered the same setback, and are forced to cooperate. Will locates a fresh water spring on a nearby island, to which the crew sails.

Just Good Business [ ]

"There is no honor in remaining with the losing side, leaving it for the winning side…that's just good business."
losin' side, ye say?"
―Sao Feng and Hector Barbossa. [src]

Sao Feng, Hector Barbossa and Jack Sparrow on the Black Pearl.

There, they discover the corpse of the Kraken, over which Jack reflects on his own mortality. They locate the spring, but at that moment, the Empress, flagship of Sao Feng, is spotted off-shore—and Tai Huang reveals his true colours and ambushes Jack's crew. They are brought aboard the Black Pearl, where Feng greets Jack by punching him on the nose, before claiming that an "old friend" wishes to speak with him: directing his attention to the HMS Endeavour. Onboard, Jack meets Cutler Beckett, who reminds Jack that Davy Jones will still want his debt settled. Onboard the Black Pearl, Mercer claims the ship for the East India Trading Company, despite it having been promised to both Feng and Will. Beckett attempts to persuade Jack to give him information concerning the Brethren Court, while Barbossa tries to sway Feng into ending his deal with the Company. Barbossa reminds Feng that the Brethren has the power to release Calypso, and thus bring the "power of the seas" to bear against Beckett. Jack agrees to lead Beckett to Shipwreck Cove, in exchange for the loyal members of his crew, though

Jack and Beckett talking

Beckett is interested in what Jack wishes for Elizabeth. Feng himself is also interested in Elizabeth, having been regarding her curiously while Barbossa spoke of Calypso. Over Will's objections, both Barbossa and Elizabeth agree to Feng's terms, while Beckett threatens to kill Jack, in order to use Jack's compass to find Shipwreck Cove. Jack warns him that if he does this, he will face the very difficult task of taking Shipwreck Cove by force, and offers to lure the Pirate Lords out of the fortress, in exchange for his debt to Jones being withdrawn. Feng finally agrees, able to take Elizabeth aboard the Empress and allow the Black Pearl to escape, and his men launch a broadside on the Endeavour. Barbossa duels with Mercer and fearing for his life, Mercer jumps off the ship.

Betrayal and Redemption [ ]

Sao Feng with Elizabeth Swann.

During the confusion, Jack seals his deal with Beckett and makes a swashbuckling escape back to the Black Pearl. Beckett orders the Flying Dutchman to pursue the Empress, though his own pursuit of Sparrow's crew is delayed by the damage suffered by his ship. Onboard the Empress, Feng has Elizabeth dressed in fine Chinese silks, and calls her "Calypso". Elizabeth plays along, though rebuffs Feng's romantic advances. The Pirate Lord becomes angry, and forces himself on her. At that moment, the ship comes under attack from the Flying Dutchman, and the Captain's cabin is hit. Elizabeth recovers to find Feng knocked against a wall, impaled on a piece of wood. He implores her to go to Shipwreck Cove in his place, giving her his piece of eight and names her his successor both as a Pirate Lord and captain of the Empress. He dies, still believing her to be Calypso, though Tai Huang is not ready to accept his new captain. The crew are rounded up on deck, where Elizabeth is reunited with Norrington. He claims to be unaware of Weatherby's death, and though he spares Elizabeth from Davy Jones, Elizabeth is unable to forgive him for choosing the side of the enemy.

Elizabeth and her new crew are locked in the brig of the Flying Dutchman while the Empress is towed behind. Elizabeth encounters William "Bootstrap Bill" Turner (Stellan Skarsgård), who has fallen into a state of madness, able only to recall his name, and that Will promised to free him. He manages to identify Elizabeth as the girl his son loves, and despairs that Will would never choose to bind himself to the Flying Dutchman and free his father, when he could remain with Elizabeth. He lapses back into insanity, forgetting the conversation completely, stating only that Will is coming for him.

Meanwhile, Beckett and Lieutenant Greitzer (David Meunier) are following a trail of bodies tied to barrels, evidently as a path to Shipwreck Cove. Beckett considers it to be a "gambit by a skilled opponent". It turns out that it is Will who is leaving the trail, and is confronted by Jack, who mocks Will's decision to do as promised at lead Beckett to Shipwreck Cove. He then reveals his intention to replace Jones as captain of the Flying Dutchman, thus allowing Will to "avoid the choice" between Elizabeth and "Bootstrap". Jack considers binding himself to the Flying Dutchman to be a form of freedom, though is not prepared to do the duty. He hands Will his compass, then sends him overboard, intending him to be picked up by the Endeavour.

Onboard the Flying Dutchman, Elizabeth is surprised to find Norrington has re-evaluated his position, and helps she and her crew escape the ship. Elizabeth is initially dubious, though implores him to come with her back to the Empress when he decides to remain aboard the ship and hold off "Bootstrap Bill". Will's father is unable to realize Norrington is helping Elizabeth, adamant only that "no one leaves the ship". Norrington shoots the line linking the Empress to the Flying Dutchman, stopping Elizabeth from re-boarding to help him, and he is stabbed by the confused "Bootstrap". Dying, James is confronted by Davy Jones, who seems set to offer him the choice of service aboard the ship. In response, James thrusts his sword into Jones' shoulder before dying. Jones keeps the sword for himself, and with the admiral dead, believes command of the ship has returned to him. However, he enters his cabin only to find Mercer has taken the key to the Dead Man's Chest, becoming the Flying Dutchman's new commander.

The Brethren Court [ ]

The Black Pearl arrives at the shore of Shipwreck Island, where Barbossa confronts Tia Dalma. He names her as Calypso, and orders Pintel and Ragetti to lock her in the brig, ensuring she is unable to escape before Barbossa can free her. He is left contemplating the reason he was brought back from the dead by Dalma, and his fate should he fail to free Calypso.

Meanwhile, Davy Jones is summoned aboard the HMS Endeavour, where Cutler Beckett is drinking tea with Will. Turner informs Jones of Jack's continued survival, though Beckett soon turns the conversation to the subject of Calypso. Jones is particularly vehement in lambasting his former love, and is enraged to learn the Brethren intends to release her. Jones reveals that it was he who showed the first Brethren Court how to bind her, thus matching Calypso's betrayal with one of his own. Will now strikes a bargain of his own. In return for the freedom of his father, Elizabeth, and himself, Will will help lead Beckett and Jones to Shipwreck Cove—with the help of Jack's compass. An additional price from Jones is that he would have Calypso murdered.

The Brethren assembles in Pirate Hall.

The fourth meeting of the Brethren Court is officially opened by Barbossa, who asks his fellow eight Lords to present their pieces of eight—symbols of their Lordship, though in actuality are little more than pieces of junk. Ragetti hands over his wooden eye as Barbossa's piece, though Jack attempts to stall for time in order to avoid handing in his piece. Elizabeth Swann interrupts at that moment, proclaiming the death of Sao Feng, and her position as his successor. The Brethren do not take well to this news, and do not take Elizabeth's warning that the Flying Dutchman is approaching, or her suggestion to fight seriously, believing Shipwreck Cove to be an impregnable fortress. Barbossa, however, voices his plan to free Calypso to use her wrath against Lord Beckett. The Court opposes the notion, and as arguments turn into provocations, the meeting descends into a brawl.

While the meeting continues, Davy Jones arrives onboard the Black Pearl, to confront Tia Dalma. He angrily asks her why she did not meet him on his one day ashore, and Dalma simply replies that it is her nature. She momentarily reverts Jones back to his human form, promising to give him her heart when she is freed. She also vows to turn against the Brethren Court, and show them the full extent of her cruelty.

Edward Teague and Jack Sparrow with the Pirata Codex.

The Court stops fighting for a moment to listen to a rambling monologue by Jack, who agrees with Elizabeth, stating that the pirates must fight, if only to run away, pointing out the dangers of the other two plans; Calypso may not be too friendly towards the pirates, and they may kill each other off if they hole up in Shipwreck Cove. However, Barbossa reminds the Court that a declaration of war can only be passed by the Pirate King—and no one has held that title since the first Brethren. To settle the matter, Barbossa calls upon Captain Teague, Keeper of the Code, who confirms Barbossa's statement. Jack calls for a vote, upon which each Pirate Lord votes for him or herself…until Jack seconds Elizabeth's vote, thus electing her Pirate King by popular vote. The Brethren is stunned, and was surely set to have overruled the Code had the infamous Teague not been present. With no other choice, Elizabeth accepts her new position, and declares war at dawn. As the meeting comes to a close, Jack asks Teague about the nature of immortality. Teague states that the trick of it is not simply living forever, but living forever with yourself. Their brief reunion ends with Teague reuniting Jack with his mother—now reduced to a shrunken head carried on Teague's belt.

Parley [ ]

"Advise your Brethren: you can fight, and all of you will die, or you can not fight, in which case only most of you will die."
―Cutler Beckett to Elizabeth Swann [src]

Barbossa, Swann and Sparrow during parley.

As all the pirates get ready to fight, they see the horizon filled with Lord Beckett's massive fleet and became dumbstruck. Jack calls for a temporary parley, and he along with Elizabeth and Barbossa go to a small sand bar to meet up with Beckett, Jones, and Will. Jack's deal with Beckett is revealed, and in a fit of anger Barbossa slashes his sword at Jack, cutting off his Piece of Eight. Jack the monkey quickly grabs the piece. Elizabeth decides to trade Jack for Will. Jack is turned over to Jones, just as he had planned. As Barbossa, Elizabeth, and Will walk away Jack the monkey secretly hands Jack's Piece of Eight to Barbossa. Seeing an easy way out of the battle, Barbossa then frees Tia Dalma/Calypso and asks her to help in the battle between the pirates, Davy Jones, the Royal Navy, and the East India Trading Company with Will revealing Jones' betrayal of which she was unaware. However, Calypso disperses and Barbossa sees their last hope lost.

Maelstrom battle [ ]

The Black Pearl and the Flying Dutchman fight each other.

However, Elizabeth didn't give up hope and tells the other pirates to "Hoist the Colours". As both fleets prepared for attack, a violent maelstrom emerges between the two fleets, implied to be the work of Calypso. The Black Pearl and the Flying Dutchman then steer into the storm and battle each other fiercely. During the battle, Davy Jones takes command of the Dutchman completely when he kills Mercer and takes the key to his chest, but is caught in a fight with Jack Sparrow who escapes the brig thanks to a trick Will taught him.

Jones fighting Sparrow on board the Flying Dutchman.

Jack is able to seize the chest holding Jones' heart, though he is confronted by Jones himself. The two captains battle while their crews eventually leap on the Dutchman and the Pearl and do battle. During this, Elizabeth and Will are joined in matrimony by Captain Barbossa while fighting the crew of the Flying Dutchman. While Barbossa is busy decapitating a crew member of the Flying Dutchman, the two ship's masts crash together.

Soon after, Will arrives on the Dutchman to only be in a duel with his father in which he defeats but doesn't kill his father. Jones defeats Elizabeth, but Will stabs him through the back, forgetting his heart is no longer there and is defeated by Jones who goes to kill him after seeing the love between him and Elizabeth. However, this allows Jack to get both the Key and the Chest and remove the heart which he threatens, but Jones stabs Will anyway. This breaks Bootstrap out of his insanity and he attacks Jones, allowing Jack time to help Will stab the heart, killing Davy Jones. Jones's last words are "Calypso", and he falls from the ship into the darkness of the maelstrom. Barbossa then orders the crew to shoot a chain at the masts, allowing him to safely guide the Black Pearl out of the Maelstrom. Jack and Elizabeth manage to escape the Dutchman by using a sail as a makeshift parasail and watch as the Flying Dutchman sinks into the Malestrom which then subsides.

Fate and the Fountain [ ]

Will and Elizabeth during their one day.

Therefore Will is now the captain of the Flying Dutchman. Elizabeth is heartbroken, thinking Will is dead, but as the Flying Dutchman emerges from within the sea, Will is alive and the crew has returned to normal. The pirates of the Black Pearl and the Flying Dutchman then turn to face Cutler Beckett, and blow his ship apart, sinking it down to the watery depths. Beckett himself is consumed in the explosion and his body is blown overboard.

"There's more than one way to live forever. Gents, I give you the Fountain of Youth."
―Barbossa to the crew of the Black Pearl [src]

Jack Sparrow begins to search for the Fountain of Youth in his dinghy.

The pirates emerge victorious, but learn that the Flying Dutchman must stay in the undersea-world and can only come to shore for one day, every ten years. Will frees his father, but Bootstrap Bill decides to remain with his son on the ship of his own free will. Will and Elizabeth spend their "last day" together on a beach and she promises she will wait for him and keep his heart safe. After discovering that Barbossa has made off with the Black Pearl, Jack sails off in a dinghy. Barbossa attempts to show the crew where the Fountain of Youth is on Sao Feng's charts, but he discovers a large chunk has been removed from the charts by Jack himself. Jack, who anticipated Barbossa's actions begins his own voyage to the Fountain of Youth himself.

Elizabeth Turner and her son await Will's return.

Epilogue [ ]

Ten years later, Elizabeth and her son reside in Port Royal. The boy sings a pirate song, with Elizabeth following behind. They both stand at the edge of a cliff, looking at the horizon, waiting for the sun to set. Finally, they see a flash of green light as the Flying Dutchman reappears, signifying Will Turner's return from the Land of the Dead.

  • In the film, it is unclear whether Elizabeth's supposed fidelity would allow Will to be with her. Later, the writers, Ted Elliott and Terry Rossio, confirmed that the flash of green light seen at the end is the sign that Will's soul has returned to the world of the living, and that they can live together as a family; with their one day stretched to a lifetime.[1] [2] However, this was overruled by the fifth film, Dead Men Tell No Tales, as the prologue to the film, which took place after this epilogue, showed that Will was still under the effect of the curse, and was only freed when the Trident of Poseidon was destroyed by his son.

Cast [ ]

  • Johnny Depp ... Jack Sparrow
  • Geoffrey Rush ... Barbossa
  • Orlando Bloom ... Will Turner
  • Keira Knightley ... Elizabeth Swann
  • Jack Davenport ... Norrington
  • Bill Nighy ... Davy Jones
  • Jonathan Pryce ... Governor Weatherby Swann
  • Lee Arenberg ... Pintel
  • Mackenzie Crook ... Ragetti
  • Kevin R. McNally ... Gibbs
  • David Bailie ... Cotton
  • Stellan Skarsgård ... Bootstrap Bill
  • Tom Hollander ... Cutler Beckett
  • Naomie Harris ... Tia Dalma
  • Martin Klebba ... Marty
  • David Schofield ... Mercer
  • Lauren Maher ... Scarlett
  • Dermot Keaney ... Maccus/Dutchman
  • Clive Ashborn ... Koleniko/Dutchman
  • Winston Ellis ... Palifico/Dutchman
  • Christopher Adamson ... Jimmy Legs/Dutchman
  • Andy Beckwith ... Clanker/Dutchman
  • Jonathan Linsley ... Ogilvey/Dutchman
  • Chow Yun-Fat ... Captain Sao Feng
  • Keith Richards ... Captain Teague
  • Reggie Lee ... Tai Huang (First appearance)
  • Ghassan Massoud ... Captain Ammand
  • Hakeem Kae-Kazim ... Captain Jocard
  • Dominic Scott Kay ... Young Will Turner
  • Vanessa Branch ... Giselle
  • Marshall Manesh ... Sumbhajee
  • Angus Barnett ... Mullroy
  • Giles New ... Murtogg
  • Takayo Fischer ... Mistress Ching
  • Marcel Iures ... Captain Chevalle
  • Sergio Calderón ... Captain Villanueva
  • James Lancaster ... EITC Agent
  • Toru Tanaka Jr. ... Tattoo Pirate
  • Edwin Habacon ... Mushroom Ear
  • Albert 'Sumo' Lee ... Bathhouse Pirate
  • Tyler Tuione ... Boiler Room Attendant
  • Larry Leong ... Steng
  • Greg Ellis ... Officer
  • Brendyn Bell ... Cabin Boy
  • Ho-Kwan Tse ... Hadras
  • Peter Donald Badalamenti II ... Penrod
  • Marc Joseph ... Quittance
  • Chris Symonds ... Two Head #1
  • Michael Symonds ... Two Head #2
  • Humberto Fernández Tristan ... Villanueva's Aide
  • Omid Djalili ... Askay (First appearance)/Pusasn
  • Robert Elmore ... Executioner
  • Mark Hildreth ... Cryer
  • Matthew Wolf ... Endeavour Officer
  • JB Blanc ... Clerk
  • Cristopher S. Capp ... Parrot (voice)

Singing Gallows pirates [ ]

  • Lawrence Cummings
  • Chris M. Allport
  • Jim Raycroft
  • Robert Hovencamp
  • Geoffrey Alch
  • Ned Wertimer
  • Samela A. Beasom
  • Jessica-Elisabeth
  • Caesar Peters

Pirates [ ]

  • Kimo Keoke
  • Rick Mali
  • David Prak
  • Henry T. Yamada
  • Jonathan Limbo
  • Mick Gallagher
  • Shioung Shin Li
  • Huynh Quang
  • Ronnie Cruz
  • Thomas Isao Morinaka
  • Lidet Viravong
  • Ova Saopeng
  • Stuart 'Phoenix' Wong

Uncredited [ ]

  • Naomie Harris ... Calypso
  • Patrick Hume ... Crash
  • Jason Kakebeen ... Greenbeard
  • David Meunier ... Lieutenant Greitzer (First appearance)
  • Michelle Lee ... Lian (credited as stunt performer)
  • Adrienne Wong ... Park (credited as stunt performer)
  • Jason T. Little ... EITC second lieutenant (First appearance)
  • Art Hsu ... Crazed Asian Pirate (First appearance)
  • Christopher John Karr ... EITC Core Soldier (First appearance)
  • Gregory Kudanovych ... EITC Core Soldier (First appearance)
  • Kevin Pitcairn ... 2nd Endeavour Officer (First appearance)

Appearances [ ]

For character appearances with known portrayers see the "Cast" section.

Individuals [ ]

  • Jack Sparrow
  • Hector Barbossa
  • William Turner
  • Elizabeth Swann
  • James Norrington (Final appearance)
  • Davy Jones
  • Cutler Beckett (Final appearance)
  • Weatherby Swann (Final appearance)
  • Sao Feng (First appearance)
  • Pintel (Final appearance)
  • Ragetti (Final appearance)
  • Joshamee Gibbs
  • Cotton (Final appearance)
  • Bootstrap Bill Turner (Final appearance)
  • Tia Dalma (Final appearance)
  • Marty
  • Ian Mercer (Final appearance)
  • Scarlett
  • Maccus (Final appearance)
  • Koleniko
  • Palifico
  • Jimmy Legs
  • Ogilvey
  • Edward Teague (First appearance)
  • Tai Huang (First appearance)
  • Ammand (First appearance)
  • Jocard (First appearance)
  • Henry Turner (First appearance)
  • Giselle
  • Sumbhajee Angria (First appearance)
  • Mullroy
  • Murtogg
  • Ching (First appearance)
  • Chevalle (First appearance)
  • Eduardo Villanueva (First appearance)
  • Steng (First appearance)
  • Theodore Groves
  • Cabin boy (First appearance)
  • Hadras
  • Penrod
  • Quittance
  • Angler
  • Old Haddy
  • Ratlin
  • Wheelback
  • Broondjongen (First appearance)
  • Finnegan (First appearance)
  • Jelly (First appearance)
  • Manray (First appearance)
  • Morey (First appearance)
  • Piper (First appearance)
  • Urchin (First appearance)
  • Cryer (EITC) (First appearance)
  • Clerk (EITC) (First appearance)
  • Executioner
  • Endeavour Officer (First appearance)
  • Greitzer (First appearance)
  • Park (First appearance)
  • Lian (First appearance)
  • EITC second Lieutenant (First appearance)
  • Jack Sparrow's mother (First appearance) (as a shrunken head)
  • Sao Feng's uncle (First mentioned)
  • Elizabeth Swann's mother (First mentioned)
  • Larry (First mentioned)
  • Henry Morgan (Mentioned only)
  • Bartholomew (Mentioned only)
  • First Pirate King (First mentioned)

Creatures [ ]

  • Jack the Monkey
  • Kraken (Final appearance) (dead)
  • Prison Dog (Final appearance)
  • Goat (Final appearance)

Objects [ ]

  • Map
    • Sao Feng's navigational charts (First appearance)
  • Globe
  • Dead Man's Chest
  • Key to the Dead Man's Chest
  • Jack Sparrow's compass
  • Sword
    • Jack Sparrow's sword
    • James Norrington's sword
    • Hector Barbossa's sword
    • Sword of Davy Jones
  • Piece of eight (First appearance)
  • Piece of eight (money) (First appearance)
  • Musical locket
  • Will Turner's amulet
  • Pirata Codex (First appearance)
  • Cannon
    • Chase gun
    • Swivel gun
  • Musket with Bayonet
  • Flintlock pistol
    • Jack Sparrow's pistol
    • Hector Barbossa's pistol

Locations [ ]

  • Davy Jones' Locker
  • Port Royal
    • Fort Charles
  • Black Sand Beach (First appearance)
  • Sandbar (First appearance)
  • Shipwreck Island
    • Shipwreck Cove
    • Shipwreck City
    • Pirate Hall
  • Singapore
    • Sao Feng's bath house
  • Tortuga
  • Farthest Gate
  • Florida (On map only)
  • Fountain of Youth (First mentioned)

Organizations and groups [ ]

  • East India Trading Company
    • East India Trading Company Armada
    • East India Trading Company soldiers
    • British Royal Navy
  • Crew of the Flying Dutchman
  • Brethren Court
    • Crew of the Black Pearl
      • Motley crew
    • Sao Feng's Empire
    • Edward Teague's crew
    • Chevalle's pirates
    • Pirate Confederation of China
    • Spanish Treasure Fleet
    • New Orleans pirates
    • Sumbhajee's pirates
    • Barbary Corsairs
    • Pirate Armada
    • Pirate King
    • Pirate Lord
    • Keeper of the Code

Ships [ ]

  • Black Pearl
  • Empress (First appearance)
  • Flying Dutchman
  • Hai Peng (First appearance)
  • HMS Endeavour
  • Troubadour (First appearance)
  • Fancy (First appearance)
  • Otter (First appearance)
  • Ching's flagship (First appearance)
  • Centurion (First appearance)
  • Seref (First appearance)
  • Ranger (First appearance)
  • Jack Sparrow's dinghy (First appearance)
  • Santiago (On a map)

Miscellanea [ ]

  • Dead men tell no tales (term)
  • Parley
  • Abandon ship
  • Shiver me timbers

Promotional [ ]

For more promotional images and videos, go to the Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End/Gallery.

Behind the scenes [ ]

At World's End teaser poster.

Title [ ]

The subtitle, At World's End, was decided by visitors to the message boards of Wordplay, the website created by screenwriters Ted Elliott and Terry Rossio. The two proposed titles, World's End and At World's End, were given as the final choices, with a further choice to include or exclude the apostrophe.[3] In 2014, a late production draft was posted on Wordplay Archives, under the title Calypso's Fury. According to Terry Rossio, the title was never in serious contention, simply a working title, until marketing deadlines forced the eventual title to be determined.[4] Uncharted Waters was at one point rumored to be a proposed title.

Music [ ]

The film's score was composed by Hans Zimmer, and built on established cues while introducing several new ones. Most prominent of these is Hoist the Colours, which repeats in various permeations throughout the film. An original song, the lyrics were written by Ted Elliott and Terry Rossio, and several lines are sung by characters in the film.

The soundtrack also includes a new love theme for Elizabeth Swann and William Turner (first heard during the cue "At Wit's End" and more prominently in "One Day"), and oriental-styled music for Sao Feng ("Singapore"). The cue "Parley" was inspired by and based on "Man With the Harmonica" by Ennio Morricone from Once Upon a Time in the West".

Reprised themes include "The Medallion Calls", "Jack Sparrow", "Davy Jones" and "He's a Pirate".

Releases [ ]

Worldwide release [ ]

The film premiered on May 19, 2007 at Disneyland. It was first released publically on May 22 in Bahrain and Kuwait, followed by Eurpoean and Eastern releases on May 23, and UK and US releases on May 24 and May 25 respectively. China was the last country to receive the film, opening on June 12.[1]

Widescreen Edition DVD cover.

DVD release [ ]

At World's End was released on Disney DVD and Blu-Ray on December 4, 2007.[5] Extra features comprise:

Disc 1:

  • Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End
  • Bloopers of the Caribbean

Disc 2:

  • Anatomy of a Scene: The Maelstrom - a detailed breakdown of one of cinema's most complex and impressive action set pieces
  • Keith & the Captain - A revealing look at the dynamic relationship between living legends Keith Richards and Johnny Depp
  • Tale of the Multiple Jacks - an in-depth look at the mind-blowing FX that went into creating multiple Captain Jacks
  • Hoist the Colors - reveals the inspiration for the "Hoist the Colors" original composition
  • Masters of Design - five individual documentaries highlighting the talented design teams behind this immense production.

2-Disc Limited Edition DVD cover.

  1. Jim Byrkit and The Map
  2. Crash McCreery and the Cursed Crew
  3. Rick Heinrichs and the Singapore Set
  4. Penny Rose and the Captain Teague Costumes
  5. Chris Peck and the Pirate Code Book
  • Inside the Brethren Court - a closer look at the legendary Pirate Lords and their costume designs, origins and unique personalities
  • The Pirate Code: Revealed - explores the pirate code and the history of piracy
  • The World of Chow Yun Fat - a look at the man behind devious Captain Sao Feng, international sensation Chow Yun Fat, and his meteoric rise to fame
  • The Pirate Maestro: The Music of Hans Zimmer - - meet the renowned composer who created the film's rousing score[5]

Additionally, the Two-Disc Blu-ray release is set to feature a Jolly Roger Host (BD-Java Exclusive) on disc one and an additional featurette, "Enter the Maelstrom", on disc two. The single-disc DVD release is set to contain an audio commentary and "Bloopers of the Caribbean" with the feature film.[5]

Broadcasting Rights [ ]

On February 14, 2008, USA Network bought the rights to broadcast the movies on television. [2]

Trivia [ ]

  • This film takes place about two months after Dead Man's Chest.[6]
  • The Hidden Mickey appears on Sao Feng's navigational charts. One of Jack Sparrow's tattoos was also a Hidden Mickey. When he is in the Locker and imagining interacting with several other Jacks, you can see a Hidden Mickey on the left shoulder of the topless Jack who is killed for tying a bad tac line.
  • Conceptual consultant James Ward Byrkit added several paintings of real and mythological creatures to the prop, including a creature that looked like an early version of Mickey Mouse.[7]
  • In China, At World's End was censored, saying the film was "vilifying and defacing the Chinese." Chow Yun-Fat's screen time was cut to ten minutes. Among the parts taken out was the "Welcome to Singapore" line because it hints that Singapore is the land of pirates.[8]
  • Right after the waterfall scene, the screen goes dark, and sounds from the original ride can be heard, including the voice of the Talking Skull and the theme music.
  • This film was originally intended to be the final installment in the series.
  • The DVD cover of At World's End was the first cover to feature five characters on it, with Dead Men Tell No Tales being the second, and all the others having four with the exception of Dead Man's Chest (which only has three). This is also Geoffrey Rush's (Barbossa) second time appearing on the DVD cover, and Keira Knightley's (presumably) last appearance on any DVD covers for the films.
  • At the end of the film, when Will and Elizabeth are saying goodbye, their swords are crossed identical to the skull logo from The Curse of The Black Pearl. The swords would again be used in the logo for On Stranger Tides.
  • Will and Elizabeth's son was named Young Will Turner in this film. The character's name was changed into Henry Turner in Dead Men Tell No Tales.
  • This is the only film in the series not to feature any British redcoats, as all the British marines under Beckett's command have been given new blue uniforms.

Notes and references [ ]

  1. | accessdate=2007-05-26 Wordplayer: Ah, the Davy Jones Curse Thing
  2. Terry Rossio's opinion on Will's final fate (May 31, 2008)
  3. Wordplayer.com: WORDPLAY/Archives/"Ends of the Earth" by Terry Rossio
  4. Wordplay: Pirates of the Caribbean: Calypo's Fury late production draft screenplay
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 DisneyPirates.com: "At World's End" on DVD 12/4
  6. One of the original POTC sites stated that At World's End took place about two months after Dead Man's Chest.
  7. At World's End production notes: Chapter 15 - Props: Weapons, Maps, Rings or Whatever
  8. http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20070615/od_nm/china_entertainment_pirates_odd_dc;_ylt=Apgl_bIpeEMnFNifqwIHl0XMWM0F Yahoo! News]

External links [ ]

See also [ ]

  • Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (soundtrack)
  • Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (video game)
Pirates of the Caribbean films

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl

The Curse of the
Black Pearl

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest

Dead Man's Chest

Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End

At World's End

Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides

On Stranger Tides

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales

Dead Men Tell No Tales

Pirates of the Caribbean at World's End Why Id the East India Compnay Not Shoot Back

Source: https://pirates.fandom.com/wiki/Pirates_of_the_Caribbean:_At_World%27s_End

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