Easy Ways to Tell if Someone is in Enlightenment

enlightenment joy and peace quote

Hey guys, so as I mentioned in my previous articles on spiritual enlightenment and consciousness, you will never know the truth of your existential nature unless you become spiritually enlightened or experienced some deep awakenings.

So I strongly recommend you read those two articles first before this one if you haven't done so yet. Those two articles will give you a better understanding of what to look for when you apply the methods that I will talk about in this article.

So, it doesn't matter how well I explained it to you and it doesn't matter how correct your theory on spiritual enlightenment is, it's not the truth and never will be.

Do you understand that this is the reason why you aren't enlightened in the first place?

I need to explain this to you in more detail.

You Can't Think Your Way To Enlightenment

dean jackson quote on enlightement

I am going to give you a clear direct method to reach enlightenment, I am going to do so without all the fluffy religious and spiritual nonsense.

Also, most of the content on enlightenment is full of spiritual fluff which is unnecessary and is actually hurting you as it is just filling your head up with more theory and information.

You see, the problem with philosophy in general and almost everything you come across on Google on enlightenment is that most of the available content is just more conceptualization and theory.

Philosophizing about the truth is you thinking about the truth and the problem here is that you can't think your way to enlightenment! Never ever ever ever ever.

Becoming conscious of your existential nature requires something totally different than thinking and the problem is that the only thing we as humans are great at is thinking.

You've been extensively using thinking since the beginning and you're consumed in it, so much so that you actually thought up your very existence, think about that for a second..

Here is a good analogy of what you're up against, imagine that you are a hamster and the only thing you know is running on your little hamster wheel and one day you hear about this domain called quantum mechanics.

You become so interested in understanding quantum mechanics that you start running on your hamster wheel even more, hoping to somehow understand it.

Obviously you never will understand quantum mechanics by running on the hamster wheel, no matter how much you do it.

You will never experience enlightenment by thinking about it!

So cut the bullshit. That means stop doing endless research on it, stop looking for scientific answers, and don't even accept what I say about spiritual enlightenment as truth, well unless you want to throw away tens of thousands of hours trying to become enlightened.

You are stuck in your mind/thinking matrix and I am here just here slipping you a piece of paper that says, hey buddy you are in the matrix so wake the fuck up!

Just remember that the paper is not truth because it is also in the matrix.

The thing is since you are stuck in the matrix I have to somehow use the matrix to convince you that you are in the matrix.

I know, it's twisted.

So How Do I Become Enlightened?

The fastest and most direct method to reaching in enlightenment is by using a combination of two different methods daily, self-inquiry and concentration on the present moment .

These two methods in my experience contain the least amount of bullshit, they are very direct and to the point.

If you do take this seriously and do the work everyday, you will get enlightened within 2 to 4 years. It all depends on your conviction and how dedicated you are.

The objective of these methods are the same, which is for you to have a direct experience of your true nature and that consciousness is all there is, it contains everything, and you are it.


Eckhart Tolle quote on thoughts

For this process you are going to sit in a chair, in a meditative like posture.

In order to do self-inquiry successfully you are going to have to be mentally alert. You are going to have to be super focused so always do this exercise at the time you are most awake.

So don't do this after a meal or right before bed as it will be hard for your mind to focus.

You are going to do this self-inquiry exercise for 30-60 minutes so I recommend setting a timer on your stopwatch.

Once your timer is set you are ready to begin.

You can do this with your eyes open or closed, it doesn't matter. Do whatever helps your mind focus better.

What you need to do is look deep inside your own consciousness/awareness and try to pin point in real time what exactly is you. What exactly is that sense you feel and why does it make you feel like it's who you are so concretely?

What do you see?

When you dig deep into your awareness and find that concrete youwhat do you see?

Is it a label? Is it it a voice that says "I'm you?" Is it your body? Is is an image of yourself? Is it your brain?

Figure out what is the realest sense of you in the present moment. Don't think about the past or the future just stay focused on the present moment.

This is you looking and finding yourself in actuality. This is not any belief about who you are and definitely not anything you were told in school growing up, that you are neurons firing in the brain or any of that bullshit.

You are reality and reality is always happening right now in the present moment.

Any mental construct of yourself is a story, a theory, and a concept.

What anyone tells you is a story, what you tell yourself is a story, and what I am telling you is a story!

The point of self-inquiry is to be able to ultimately distinguish beliefs from actuality.

Are you going to be completely honest in your self-inquiry? You are going to have to be 100% honest with yourself if you are going to distinguish belief from actuality.

So while you are doing the looking, you are going to cross off the things that are not you. You will realize obvious things such as all physical traits are not you but belong to you.

You will eventually get a point where you think to yourself that everything belongs to you and that everything you feel ultimately converges to some point and that this point where everything converges to is you.

You will conclude that this convergence point that perceives all perceptions is what you are. But your work is far from done, you have to go deeper.

The three important questions of self-inquiry :

Ask yourself, but who or what is aware of these perceptions and emotions? You'll think I am aware, then ask but who is aware that I am aware?

Then, you will then ask yourself, who or what is perceiving all these perceptions?

Exactly who or what is perceiving the sounds, emotions, and everything else that you perceive?

Is there a clear answer to this question? Deeply ponder this question.

The final question you'll ask yourself is this, who am I ? Who am I ultimately?

I recommend starting off or focusing on the first two questions because the last one is a little more advanced. The last question might take you 3 to 6 months to even figure out what the question is even really asking.

With self-inquiry you are looking for a direct experience of your true existential being, so your answer can't be a logical answer.

What are you metaphysically?

Most of you currently think that you are a body with a brain composed of neurons which is composed of atoms.

Some of you might even think that you are a soul that is encompassing your body.

Now, is your mind even open enough that you might not be either of the above? The problem is that most people are too closed minded and dogmatic to even be able to expand their mind to have any deep insights and questions answered.

The problem is that you have to become aware of what you are, you have to be it.

Being aware of conscious of your true existential nature is radically different than thinking or philosophizing about what you are.

During this practice anytime you find yourself thinking about what you are or philosophizing, you are getting off track and going in the wrong direction.

Beware of the voice

What a liberation to realize that the voice in my head is not who I am. Who am I then? The one who sees that

You know that internal dialog that you have with yourself? That voice that you always hear in your mind, that voice that claims that it is you.

That is a thought which you are falsely identified with.

You are not your thoughts and the hard part about this work is that when you are doing self-inquiry that voice will pop up over and over again and it will always give you logical answers to your existential nature.

It will say something like, I'm right here dummy, I am you.

Don't fall for this trap, when you hear it fighting back logically then you ponder what is the voice exactly? It is a thought but what are thoughts existentially?

Who exactly is aware of that voice? Have you ever pondered this question?

Remember that during self-inquiry you are going to be objectively looking for the answers, think of it like a science experiment.

You need to be observing, not thinking or philosophizing.

In order to have an open enough mind to actually do this work objectively you must accept that you don't know who you really are, this is difficult because your entire life is predicated on this.

Is your mind open to the possibility that you don't know who or what you really are?

You can't just agree with me, it's not enough to think Ahh ok Jack, I don't know who I am. You have to actually experience not knowing, you actually have to not know.

Technique to open your mind up

There are some techniques that will help expand your mind so that you can experience actual not knowing.

Here is a good one, so during self-inquiry you will notice that feeling like you are perceiving all perceptions.

It will seem like that all these perceptions are converging to a point that is what you call you. It's like these perceptions arrive to you.

So, do it right now in your awareness, are you experiencing the perceptions and how it seems that they are arriving to you?

Now ask yourself where are these perceptions coming from and where are they going to? Who is the perceiver?

Are you looking deeply? If so you will come to the realization that the perceiver doesn't exist.

Can you actually perceive the perceiver or is that just a perception? Can you find evidence of the perceiver in your direct experience?

Whatever you answer to the who is perceiving the perception question, that itself is also a perception. Can you see this? There is no perception of the perceiver because the perceiver doesn't exist.

So if this perceiver that you always believed is you is just a perception, how much do you really know about yourself? How much can you really know if what you understood about yourself was all just an illusion?

Do this in real time, it doesn't help to believe me. You need to have a direct experience of this.

What you want to do with this technique is be able to experience a glitch in the matrixand thinkholy shit I just some something.

Maybe this glitch you experience will motivate you into taking the process more seriously, which is all I can hope for.

The best analogy for your illusion

The best analogy that I can give you is the movie analogy.

The movie analogy demonstrates how easily you fall for the stories of your own thoughts, or your mind.

Imagine you are at the movies watching a movie and in the movie there is a man climbing a mountain, now are you actually watching a man climbing a mountain or are you watching light projecting on a flat white surface?

What is the movie actually?

Of course it is just light projected on a white wall, but during the movie how engrossed and into the movie are you? How conscious are you during the movie?

You and everyone else watching the movie is absorbed by the content/story of the movie and people get lost in the fiction of the movie.

A thought is analogous to this! A though has both the content with a story and a reality to it.

Imagine this, what if someone was stuck watching movies since they can remember and that this person never experienced anything other than watching movies, would this person be conscious of anything other than the movie?

That's whats wrong with 99.999% of people, they never experienced their true nature, they never experienced the truth.

The problem with life is that everyone is walking around unconsciously sucked into the fictious story of their thoughts.

So what is a thought existentially than?

Do this right now, imagine yourself walking into a gas station and playing the mega millions.

Imagine later that night you are watching the numbers being announced on TV and realizing that you won the jackpot of millions of dollars.

How did that imagination feel?

Those thoughts, did have substance to them? They made you feel a certain way by evoking emotions right?

Well that's all that a thought is and what all thoughts are existentially.

Guys, this distinction is super super important and if you understood it in actuality you would already be enlightened!

Concluding self-inquiry

The truth is that self-inquiry will require you to be brutally honest with yourself and also require you to have an iron will.

You have to do this process for 30 to 60 minutes a day, everyday.

It will be super hard, especially when you are just starting out. You will find it hard to keep your mind focused on direct experience. You will often start to wander off into thinking and conceptualizing everything.

It will be up to you to be conscious enough to realize when it's happening and to refocus your mind onto being instead of thinking.

In the beginning you will probably be sharply aware of your own consciousness and existential nature for only a couple minutes out of the 30 minutes. That is normal as long as you notice a slow incremental increase in your ability to stay focused.

remember, it is important that you do self-inquiry correctly and that you do it every day for 30 to 60 minutes, no exceptions.

One last tip, try to stay conscious of what is actuality and what is thought/stories throughout your day.

Do this for your emotions as well.

For example if you are driving and someone cuts you off, you will get thoughts about it and they might be negative thoughts, but become conscious of the process.

Ask yourself why are you feeling the way you do and why are those thoughts, which are a stories, evoking an emotional response and who is actually receiving that emotional response?

It will be hard to do this at first but over time you will become much more conscious and it will be easier to stay very conscious during emotional situations.

Concentrating On The Present Moment

Past and future are in the mind only - I am now

Here is another important distinction if your goal is to get enlightened, reality is only what is happening right now in the present moment .

This is a powerful distinction that you need to make.

What exists in actuality is only what you can see, hear, smell, taste, feel, right now in this very present moment.

Anything that you can't directly experience in the present moment does not exist.

Everything that you can't experience in your direct experience right now is a story, a fictitious story like the movie analogy.

I am going to make a bold claim, the car that you own, if you are currently not seeing it, or are in it, or not hearing it, it literally does not exist right now.

If you are not experiencing your dog or cat in this very moment your dog or cat doesn't exist.

This also means that yesterday and everything that happened to you yesterday that feels so real, is also not real.

Notice that you will here the voice/your thoughts start pummel you with objections, those are all just fictitious content.

Don't let it suck you in it's story because it will keep your mind from opening up enough to directly experiencing this truth.

I am going to go over this topic in more detail in a future post but for the sake of this work I need you work with me here.

Also, this truth will become obvious to you when you do serious self-inquiry for a little while. You will probably need a couple months of serious self-inquiry to get some glimpses of it.

Conclusion & Final Notes

The methods that I talked about in this article is the most direct way to reach enlightenment but I want add this, there are many more techniques out there that can be very helpful and practical for enlightenment work.

I will talk about other methods such as various practices of yoga (real yoga), meditation, breathing exercises, and much more so stay tuned.

The hardest part with getting enlightened is the amount of times you will be close to awakening and then all of a sudden you fall back asleep due to all the content your mind will throw at you.

The sheer number of times you are going to go through that makes this work hard. It will take you 1000s of time of being very close and then having to start over.

You have to understand that what is required of your mind is extraordinary.

I also want to say this, even though I might come off as condescending like I am better than you and belittling you, I am actually just explaining this to you as I would to myself.

I fall victim to all the same traps that I talked about here in this article and I continue to get stuck in these traps.

I have made significant progress over the last couple years and I want to share my personal experiences and some practical advice that you yourself can use to become more conscious and eventually attain enlightenment.

I am not spiritually enlightened however I have experienced some very deep awakenings.

There is nothing more profound and transformative then experiencing this truth. That's why no matter how hard it is to attain it's definitely worth it.

In fact it's so rewarding and profound that you will be in tears of joy when you experience it.

Don't make the mistake of thinking this is all some mumbo jumbo non-practical nonsense, that couldn't be further.

Your epistemological, metaphysical, and all the other beliefs that you hold effect your life. They effect you practically in all aspects of your life.

Everything you do in life is motivated by your beliefs so in actuality this work is so practical that it is without a doubt the most practical personal development work you do.

Nothing will have bigger implications on your life than having a direct experience of reality's most profound insights.

The question is are you ready to stop all the mental masturbation and start putting in the actual work?

I hope so because you living your best life depends on it.

Until next time,

-Jack Freeman


Source: https://onlyfreedommatters.com/how-to-become-enlightened/

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